Beauty Journal June 2021

Heat damage to the hair, causes the chemical bonds in the cortex to be overstretched. This condition can be very challenging to the client as heat damage can cause curly, textured hair to become straight. Heat damage is as detrimental to the hair shaft as is chemical abuse.

With the correct selection of hair products and the right application methods the hair can be helped to curl again.

Recently a client came to Salon Success for a consultation regarding the fact that she had had a blow dry and flat iron service which left certain areas of her hair straight and she was unable to get these areas to curl and look like the rest of the hair.  “Will I have to cut all of my hair off?” she asked with tears in her eyes.  I responded by explaining to her exactly what heat damage did to the areas of the hair which became permanently straight.  I also added that the most important aspect of any hair product is the ability of this product to do its job.

What allows a product to work is the ability of the product to moisturize, strengthen, close, and smooth the cuticle by the size of the molecules of which the product is made.

Back to the sad and concerned client. 

No, she did not have to cut all her hair off.  After shampooing and conditioning with the right products, three after care products were applied to her hair.  The first was a leave in conditioner, the second was a texture product to give shine and curl and the third a product to seal in the first two products used and give the hair body.

The client was in awe.  She could not believe that her heat damaged hair did curl again without having to cut if all off.

Products used:

· Jojoba Moisturizing Shampoo by AmazonSeries.

· The Detangler by Paul Mitchell

· The Conditioner by Paul Mitchell

· Foaming Pomade by Paul Mitchell

· Extra Body Foam by Paul Mitchell

All products are available at Salon Success Ltd.

Call us at 435-3423, 457-0852 or email us at


Beauty Journal July 2021


Service of the week - Hair Color