Hair care tip of the day

If you wear your hair in a wet style it is important to understand how you would like it to look when dry.  A leave-in conditioner usually helps as a foundation styling product.  You can then use mousse, gel, or a sculpting lotion to style your hair as you would like to wear it when it is dry.  The dry style dictates what type of styling products you need to use.

When styling dry hair, if your hair is relaxed, using a light sheen spray before brushing out the curls or after the hair has been blow dried makes styling smoother and easier.  The products you use are usually dictated by the texture of your hair and the result which you want to achieve.  Less is more when styling.  You can always add more of a product, but it is difficult to take it out once you have put too much on the hair.


Product of the day - May 26, 2021


Conditioning tips