

Re-Opening Soon

Good morning Clients and Contacts,

We expect to be reopening soon. Please note we are seeking experts globally to become business partners or staff to provide Esthetics services. This is especially the case since there are new medicines on the market to treat Covid. Please email me at or via the website If you do not hear back from me you can also reach me via Whatsapp by calling 473-435-3423 for details.

It's been a VERY difficult 2 months for us. We hope to be reopening in the next week.

Please refer by email or phone, anyone you know, to Salon Success Grenada so that we can provide our best advice. We thank you in advance for your continued patronage and support in these trying times.

We also have apartments for rent. This can be for International students at SpiceIsle Beauty Institute, SGU or local residential. If you know of anyone moving to Grenada you are most welcome to refer them to us. We are open to negotiating a deal for successful referrals.

Are you a student at SGU? We have special prices for students.

Everyone is welcome at Salon Success Grenada.

You can reach us by sending an email through our website

Or by calling 473-435-3423

Have a wonderful month!

The Salon Success Grenada Team


happy tuesday

