The Tea Tree Experience

At Salon Success we begin some of our services with a scalp massage.  This sets the stage to relax the client and to prepare the scalp to accept the benefits of the luxurious products which we use.

When a client has one of our many beneficial treatments, massage becomes key to the effectiveness of the specific treatment.

Our Tea Tree treatment is no exception.  This treatment involves the senses of smell and touch.  Warm moisture is used to begin this experience as it opens the pores of the scalp and the cuticle of the hair.  The treatment ends with a cool rinse which closes the pores of the scalp and ensures that the benefits of the treatment are sealed in the hair shaft.

The benefits of Tea Tree are:

·       Antibacterial

·       Anti-inflammatory

·       Anti-viral

·       Anti- fungal

·       Controls dandruff and cradle cap

Call us at 1-473-435-3423 or Whatsapp 1-473-457-0852 to find out more about how you can come in for your FREE Consultation regarding the purchase of the amazing Tea Tree product lines from Paul Mitchell.


We Create Healthy Hair


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