Our Team

Margaret Fletcher JulienManaging DirectorCreative Lead HairdresserSalon Success Grenada Ltd.Success Beauty Distributors Ltd. Spice Isle Beauty Institute Ltd. Success Beauty Group Ltd.

Margaret Fletcher Julien

Managing Director

Creative Lead Hairdresser

Salon Success Grenada Ltd.

Success Beauty Distributors Ltd.

Spice Isle Beauty Institute Ltd.

Success Beauty Group Ltd.

Portia Holmes FrancisSalon Manager Salon Success Grenada Ltd.

Portia Holmes Francis

Salon Manager

Salon Success Grenada Ltd.

Bessie Ann Penny Style & Weave SpecialistSalon Success Grenada Ltd.

Bessie Ann Penny

Style & Weave Specialist

Salon Success Grenada Ltd.

Rolda DixonAssistant Business Manager Salon Success Ltd.

Rolda Dixon

Assistant Business Manager

Salon Success Ltd.

Our Vision

Our vision is to make all of our clients feel their best internally and look their best externally

As a full service hair and beauty salon in Grenada, we offer you a complete service for all of your needs. 

Our staff differentiate themselves through outstanding technical skills, exceptional customer service, certifications in the latest hair and beauty services and by offering you the highest quality innovative beauty products on the global market.

Contact us by clicking here or at 473-435-3423 / salonsuccessgroup@gmail.com

We hope to see you soon!


The Salon Success Grenada Team